The Data Orchestrator is the control surface for the DataSapien edge architecture.

Brands define the data types that can be gathered and stored in their branded app, on the device, and the combinations of on-device Personal Intelligence deployed to process the data. Once deployed, the Orchestrator is capable of managing the data types, flows and processing of private sensitive personal delta held across hundreds of millions of customer apps.

The Orchestrator elements include a logical and easy-to-use web dashboard to define data schemas and model parameters.

The API Gateway provides centralised control and security for 3rd Party API connections that enable customers to gather data – this provides an essential control surface for the distributed data unlocked by Edge Architecture. Utilising our extensive experience in building Consumer Insights platforms, the Question & Answer (Q&A) functionality of the Orchestrator is on par with the leading market Research SaaS Platforms. It also incorporates advanced features such as image sharing with object recognition. 

Included in the Orchestrator is Platform Administration, which provides administrator controls such as Identity and Access Management, ‘locking’ of types of sensitive Zero-Shared-Data, DataScience training environments and integration into other elements of the brand’s Customer Data environment, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Customer Data Platform (CDP) platforms.    


DataSapien Technology enables brands to harness the power of Zero-Shared Data, ensuring user privacy and enhancing personal customer experiences.

These insights can be selectively and transparently shared with brands as Zero-Party Data, fostering trust and ensuring compliance with stringent privacy regulations.

Designed with a focus on seamless integration and user empowerment, the DataSapien platform offers a robust SDK and control surface that simplifies the implementation process for brands. This platform not only enhances the accuracy and relevance of consumer insights but also promotes transparency and user control over their personal data. The result is a significant uplift in a comprehensive array of customer metrics: Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), Net Promoter Score (NPS) Customer Retention Rate (CRR), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) etc.

With its innovative edge architecture approach, DataSapien is set to redefine data privacy standards and revolutionize the way brands engage with their customers, offering a win-win scenario where both parties benefit from a more secure and personalized data exchange.

This post is part three of three posts covering DataSapien Architecture. Part one us available here.

The long-form post covering all of the components of DataSapien Edge Architecture is also available here. Part two is available here.

For more technical information on DataSapiens Edge Architecture, checkout the DataSapien Developer Portal.

If you have any comments or questions, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.